Avoid these Leadership Failures

communication failure new manager organization teamwork Feb 15, 2024

Here is a list of seven things that managers can do to make things WORSE for their team. Obviously, you should not do these things.  I am sharing them with you so you know what behaviours to watch out for and what to avoid.


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🚧 Avoid these Seven Leadership Landmines


1️⃣ Focusing Solely on Weaknesses: We all strive for improvement, but constantly harping on weaknesses can make your employees feel broken and demotivated. Instead, acknowledge their strengths and work collaboratively on growth areas.


2️⃣ Neglecting Professional Development: In the hustle of day-to-day tasks, it's easy to sideline discussions about your employees’ long-term career paths. Instead, scheduling regular one-on-ones and performance development meetings are essential to demonstrate genuine interest in their growth.


3️⃣ Being Unapproachable: Ever worked with someone who seems barricaded in their office (virtual or otherwise)? Being unapproachable can hinder open communication. And that risks difficulties or mistakes not being communicated to you thus increasing the damage being done.  Instead, foster regular check-ins and being available for your employees to build trust.


4️⃣ Being Uninvolved in the Work: Striking the right balance is key. While you can't be an expert in everything, being meaningfully involved in your team's work ensures they see you as a resource when challenges arise.


5️⃣ Being Too Engaged or Micromanaging: Micromanagement stifles initiative. Trust your team's abilities and provide support when needed. It's about finding the sweet spot between involvement and autonomy.


6️⃣ Being Pessimistic: Your attitude sets the tone for the team. While frustrations are natural, maintaining a professional and optimistic outlook can uplift your team's spirits even in challenging times.


7️⃣ Using Passive-Aggressive Language: A direct, open conversation beats hidden messages. Create a culture where feedback is constructive, direct, and focused on improvement.


Looking for more? Download my FREE New Manager Checklist with 100 practical leadership tips and mindset changes to help you be an effective and inspiring leader for your team.

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